Our Goal
Our Goal
JANA wants to reduce the high dropout rate in primary school age and thus protect children from child labor, give them self-responsibility through education and enable them to have a healthy, promising future.
To complete primary education is extremely important. Statistics show that approximately 90% make the transition between primary school and secondary school, provided that they obtain an primary school qualification.

Our Implementation
JANA provides early education in pre-primary centres, and further more also supports the children in their first four school years with homework and learning support.
Why Pre-Primary Schools?
In pre-primary schools, children are prepared for elementary school. First of all, this is supposed to be fun and promote social interaction. Especially in Bangladesh, pre-school education can be essential for later success in school or even for remaining in the school system. Why?
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The pre-school education plans a significant role because important basic skills in writing, reading and mathematics as well as social skills are taught. Anyone who cannot attend a pre-school, be it for lack of funds or accessibility has a much harder time in later school life. The need to catch up, which later arises, can’t be mastered by many students. This can result in a downward spiral of being overwhelmed and lacking self-confidence, from which an elementary school child with little to no support can hardly break out.
These children especially are in need for additional support and early childhood education. JANA has already set up five pre-schools in the south-west of Bangladesh in order to offer the children thee opportunity to prepare for elementary school with fun.
Laughter, games and dance combined with the enthusiasm and joy towards exploring and learning creates an exceptional environment in the JANA classroom. The classes consist of a maximum of 32 children aged between 3,5 and 5,5 years in which they learn basic school and social skills.

Why Homework and Tutorial Support?
Many parents cannot write and read themselves, which means that they cannot support their children adequately during school. Structural injustices, crowded classrooms, too few teaching staff, punishment measures and much more exacerbate the already stressful situation of somehow being able to keep up in class. Independently doing their homework while supporting their parents at work, is an incredible challange.
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Homework support throughout primary school can compensate for some of these overwhelming conditions. Our tutoring classes are characterised by their supportive environment. They are much smaller than normal primary school classes, so they allow a more individual approach towards strengths and weaknesses of the students. The students sit in circles and are supervised taking turns. The children’s community feeling and socialising competences are strengthened through this.
When the pre-primary schools close their doors at 11 am, they open again around 1 pm to then welcome the tutorial-support classes. In total JANA is supporting 204 children with early childhood education. The children all went to the JANA pre-primary centres before they continue with the Tutorial support. The children come to tutor in the afternoons to repeat what they have learned and to prepare homework.
In addition to teaching school knowledge, the participating children and parents should also be informed about hygiene and health aspects. With our free structures, we support the local people who need help.

Your contribution
We are supporting 204 children towards a better future. But we are growing and we need your help to continue this great and successful project. So far JANA has mainly been funded by a handful generous donors friends and ourselves.
The awareness towards education is there, we want to offer and promote opportunities. Now and today is the right time to pursue this aspiration.